Welcome to my basic games!

In class we have learnt to code with python , this are my codes!

My python codes using pygame zero:

Enter Name

print("Enter here your name:")
x= input()
print("What's up", x)
if x == "Jose":
    print("That's the name of my dog")

This is a videotutorial showing how to create Enter Name:

Eye Colour

  print("Enter your eye colour")
x = input()
print("WoW", x)
if x == "Green":
    print("Green like the grass")
elif x == "Blue":
    print("Blue like the sea")
elif x == "Brown":
    print("Brown like the wood")
    print("That's an awesome colour")

This is a videotutorial showing how to create Eye Colour:



import random #random is a python libary to ceate random numbers

n = random.randint(0, 200) #n is a integer number from 0 to 200
guesses = 0 #guesses is a variable with initial vale  0

while True: #do the following code all the time
    guesses = guesses + 1 #add a guess every time I try to answer
    print("Guess the number I am thinking") #show on the screen this question
    g = int(input()) #g is a number entered by the user (input()
    if g == n: #if the number entered by the user is equal to the random number stop the code 
    elif g < n: #if the number entered by the user is menor than the random number tell user "Try to go higher"
        print("Try to go higher")
    elif g > n: #if the number entered by the user is higher than the random number tell the user "Go lower or  you won't get it this way"
        print("Go lower or you won't get it this way")
print("Correct! You took", guesses, "guesses.") 
#if the number entered by the user is correct tell the user "Correct! You took (guesses) guesses"
#tell the user also the number of guesses and the word attemps

This tutorial is explained by the "#"

Random Operation

import random #random is a python libary to ceate random numbers

n = random.randint(22, 300) #n is a integer number from 22 to 300

print("What is", n, "+45-9-5?") #this is used to show in the screen the words "What is" + the random number and the operation
g = int(input()) #g is a number entere by the user
if g == n + +45-9-5: #this does that the operation and if it's correct it'll print "You are a genious!"
    print("You are a genius!")
else: #this does the operation and if it's wrong it'll print "Your teacher would be mad right now"
    print("Your teacher would be mad righ now")


This tutorial is explained by the "#"


  score = 0 #this confirms that your initial score is 0

print("How many continents are on the Earth?") #this prints the question
g = int(input()) #this is a number that the user needs to enter
if g == 7: #if the user entered the number "7" it'll print "Correct"
    score = score +1 3 if it's correct the score will be +1 point.

print("And how many countries are?") #this prints the questions
g = int(input()) #g is the number that the user needs to enter
if g == 194: #if the user entered "194" it'll print "Correct"
    score = score + 1 #if it's correct the score will add +1

    print("You got:", score) #this prints the score you got

This tutorial is explained by the "#"

Alicia Passing

alicia = Actor('alicia') #this makes 'alicia' an sprite
alicia.topright = 0, 10 #this is the size of the sprite on topright

WIDTH = 800 #the width of the game
HEIGHT = alicia.height + 4 #the height of the game

def draw(): #this says what is going to be on the screen
    screen.clear() #this clears the screen
    alicia.draw() #this puts the image of the sprite

def update(): #this says what is going to move on the screen
    alicia.left += 8 #the sprite is going to move 8 to the left always 
    if alicia.left > WIDTH: #this says that the sprite > WIDTH
        alicia.right = 2 #this says that alicia right equals 2


This tutorial is explained by the "#"


autob = Actor('autob')
autob.topright = 0, 100

WIDTH = 650
HEIGHT = autob.height + 200

def draw():

def update():
    autob.left += 10
    if autob.left > WIDTH:
        autob.right = 5

score = 0

def on_mouse_down(pos):
    global score
    if autob.collidepoint(pos):
        score += 1
        score -= 1
        print("I'll quit u 1 point, now u have:")


This is a videotutorial showing how to create Bus:


ardillaviva = Actor('ardillaviva')
ardillaviva.topright = 0, 10

WIDTH = 500
HEIGHT = ardillaviva.height + 22

def draw():

def update():
    ardillaviva.left += 6
    if ardillaviva.left > WIDTH:
        ardillaviva.right = 0

score = 0

def on_mouse_down(pos):
    global score
    if ardillaviva.collidepoint(pos):
        ardillaviva.image = 'ardillamuerta'
        score += 1
        score -= 1
        print("You didn't hit it")


This is a videotutorial showing how to create Squirrel:

Nil and the Door

nilc = Actor('nilc')
nilc.topright = 0, 10
WIDTH = 650
HEIGHT = nilc.height + 22
def draw():
def update():
    nilc.left += 4
    if nilc.left > WIDTH:
        nilc.right = 0
score = 0
def on_mouse_down(pos):
    global score
    if nilc.collidepoint(pos):
        score += 1
        score -= 1
def set_nilc_hit():
    nilc.image = 'nile'
    clock.schedule_unique(set_nilc_normal, 0.4)
def set_nilc_normal():
    nilc.image = "nilc"


This is a videotutorial showing how to create Nil and the Door:

Alien Fall

import random
WIDTH = 800
HEIGHT = 600
alien_hurt = Actor('alien', midbottom=(WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT))
alien = Actor('alien_hurt')
alien.topright = 100, 10
def draw():
xpos = random.randint(0, 800)
def update():
    global xpos
    alien.y += 5
    if keyboard.left:
        alien.x -= 8
    if keyboard.right:
        alien.x += 8
    if alien_hurt.colliderect(alien):
        print('you win')
        alien.y = 0
        xpos = random.randint(0, 800)
        alien.x = xpos
    if alien.y > 600:
        print('you lose')
        alien. y = 0
        xpos = random.randint(0, 800)
        alien.x = xpos
def on_mouse_down(pos):
    global score
    if alien.collidepoint(pos):
        score += 1
        score -= 1
def set_alien_hit():
    alien.image = 'alien_hurt'
    clock.schedule_unique(set_alien_normal, 0.5)
def set_alien_normal():
    alien.image = "alien"


This is a videotutorial showing how to create Alien Fall:


nilc = Actor('nilc')
nilc.topright = 0, 10
WIDTH = 650
HEIGHT = nilc.height + 22
def draw():
def update():
    nilc.left += 4
    if nilc.left > WIDTH:
        nilc.right = 0
score = 0
def on_mouse_down(pos):
    global score
    if nilc.collidepoint(pos):
        score += 1
        score -= 1
def set_nilc_hit():
    nilc.image = 'nile'
    clock.schedule_unique(set_nilc_normal, 0.4)
def set_nilc_normal():
    nilc.image = "nilc"


This is a videotutorial showing how to create Robber:


  WIDTH = 900
HEIGHT = 600

ball = Rect((150, 400), (10, 9))
bat = Rect((240, 480), (150, 20))
vx = 8
vy = 8

def draw():
    screen.draw.filled_rect(ball, "violet")
    screen.draw.filled_rect(bat, "white")

def update():
    global vx, vy
    ball.x += vx
    ball.y += vy
    if ball.right > WIDTH or ball.left < 0:
        vx = -vx
    if ball.colliderect(bat) or ball.top < 0:
        vy = -vy
    if ball.bottom > HEIGHT:
        bat.x += 10
        bat.x -= 10


This is a videotutorial showig how to create Pong:

Big Quiz: Economy Quiz

  import pgzrun
import pygame

WIDTH = 1350
HEIGHT = 700

main_box = Rect(0, 0, 1250, 350)
timer_box = Rect(0, 0, 100, 80)
answer_box1 = Rect(0, 0, 375, 150)
answer_box2 = Rect(0, 0, 375, 150)
answer_box3 = Rect(0, 0, 375, 150)
answer_box4 = Rect(0, 0, 375, 150)

main_box.move_ip(50, 40)
timer_box.move_ip(10, 30)
answer_box1.move_ip(200, 400)
answer_box2.move_ip(750, 400)
answer_box3.move_ip(200, 600)
answer_box4.move_ip(750, 600)
answer_boxes = [answer_box1, answer_box2, answer_box3, answer_box4]

score = 0
time_left = 10

q1 = ["Which country is the first in the Gini Index?",
      "Panama", "South Africa", "Namibbia", "Siria", 2]

q2 = ["Which is the richest busisness?",
      "Apple", "Amazon", "Google", "Intel", 1]

q3 = ["What is the country with the lowest unemployment?",
      "Spain", "Greece", "China", "Japan", 4]

q4 = ["Who is the richest person right now?",
      "Elon Musk", "Jeff Bezos", "Ralph Lauren", "Amancio Ortega", 1]

q5 = ["Which of these countries has the highest GDP?",
      "India", "China", "Morocco", "Canada",2]

q6 = ["What is the capital?",
      "Money", "A house", "A car", "All of them are correct", 4]

q7 = ["What is the income of a busissness?",
      "The money it does", "The money it wants", "The  money it expends", "The objects that it sells", 1]

q8 = ["Who is the actual president of the USA?",
      "Joe Biden", "John F. Kennedy", "Donald Trump", "Michael Jordan", 1]

q9 = ["When was made the first Bitcoin?",
      "1999", "2005", "2007", "2009", 4]

q10 = ["What sport makes the more money?",
      "American Football", "Baseball", "Golf", "Basketball", 1]

questions = [q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8, q9, q10]
question = questions.pop(0)

def draw():
    screen.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
    screen.draw.filled_rect(main_box, "yellow2")
    screen.draw.filled_rect(timer_box, "red2")

    for box in answer_boxes:
        screen.draw.filled_rect(box, "darkorchid2")

    screen.draw.textbox(str(time_left), timer_box, color=("black"))
    screen.draw.textbox(question[0], main_box, color=("black"))

    index= 1
    for box in answer_boxes:
        screen.draw.textbox(question[index], box, color=("black"))
        index = index + 1

def game_over():
    global question, time_left
    message = "Game over. You got %s questions correct" % str(score)
    question = [message, "-", "-", "-", "-", 5]
    time_left = 0

def correct_answer():
    global question, score, time_left

    score = score + 1
    if questions:
        question = questions.pop(0)
        time_left = 10
        print("End of questions")

def on_mouse_down(pos):
    index = 1
    for box in answer_boxes:
        if box.collidepoint(pos):
            print("Clicked on answer" + str(index))
            if index == question[5]:
                print("You got it correct!")
        index = index + 1

def update_time_left():
    global time_left

    if time_left:
        time_left = time_left - 1

clock.schedule_interval(update_time_left, 1.0)

This is a videotutorial showing how to create Economy Quiz:

Web made by: Nil Cots.

Hope that you like it!